Particle Data Booklet for Zaurus

Jul. 19, 2006 Beta version release. Mass and width information now uses upgraded PDG 2006 CSV data. Files can be download from SourceForge. Minor updates on the program for the PDG format changed.
Mar. 21, 2006 Beta version release. Mass and width information now uses upgraded PDG 2005 CSV data. Files can be download from SourceForge. Note that decay file is still the old one.
Oct. 15, 2005 Beta version release. Mass and width information is updated to PDG 2004. Files can be download from SourceForge. Note that decay file is still the old one.
Feb. 25, 2003 First alpha version release. Install package and source files can be download from SourceForge.

Zpdbook supports both low and hi-resolution Linux Zaurus series: SL-5x00/6000 and Japanese models: SL-A/B/Cxx0 and the latest SL-Cxx00 series. The newest version of Zpdbook also utilizes the upgraded PDG CSV format file, which provides richer information.

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More information will be shown in the bottom part according to other data files, ex. qq98 decay file. This feature is currently under development.

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This program is inspired by Particle Data Book for Palm. The information is based on the data file from Particle Data Group (PDG). Elementary particles properties can be looked up via their name, particle ID (PID), and mass range.

user interface

mass range
pid search

name search

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