XPRESO -  Spread Sheet for GP1288

Big5 version/GB version


XPRESO is a simple spread sheet software for Global View PDA GP1288.  It provides the basic functions for general usage: text, number, calculation, simple editing, sorting, ploting and files.

User Interface:

GUI intro
This is the user interface of XPRESO. From the top of the screen, there are menu-bar, Quit button, input section, spread sheet grids and navegation buttons and the virtual keyboard.

For the first time launched, the virtual keyborad is minimized and you can restore it by click on the icon.

The menu-bar shows the name of opened file and under it shows current high-lighted cell ID. You can input text, numbers or expressions and press the 'O' button to enter it into the cell. Or you can cancel the input by clicking on the 'X' button. Clicking on the navegation buttons will automatically store the input and go to next cell.
column width

The width of the columns could be changed by draging on the column index.
column width

The inputed data are automatically recognized according to its type. Text data are shown aligned to the left while numbers are shown aligned to the right. You can force the numbers to be viewed as text data by putting a ' as the first character.

For text contents longer than one cell can still be shown without truncated as long as the next cell is empty.

Math expressions must starts with '='. Supported operators are basic 4 operators, quotations, power(^), logarithm(log, ln), square and cubic root(sqrt, cbrt), triangular functions(sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan), summation(sum), and angular transform(deg, rad). Also, the most common constant: exponential(exp) and the circumference ratio(pi).

The operants can be references to other cells. The format is X##, where X is A-Z and ## is two-digit number. Please be aware that error handling it not complete here.




You can select to create a new file, open an existing file, save current file, or quit this program.

Before create or open a file, please be sure to save your editing file in advance.

Files are stores the same directory as the ebook reader. The file format is comma separated values(.csv). If you would like to view MS Excel files, make sure to select this format when saving your files.

new file
open file
save file


You can choose to cut, copy, paste a cell from this menu. Currenly only single cell operation is supported.



Here we provide two very useful tools: sorting and polts. You can sort your data vertically according to certain column. Also, you can make plots from your data. Currently we provide pie chart, line chart and bar chart for you to choose.


You can sort your data ascently or descently. The range input format is similar the reference we mentioned above: X##:Y## and the separator is ':'. For column that contains the values you want to sort to, please input one character of the cell ID.



For the plotting tool, you also need to input the range of cells for the graph and also the name for the symbols.

The range input is also the same as the way for sorting but only one column is allowed. The column ID is need for the symbol in the polt.

You can choose pie chart, line chart or bar chart. Clicking Ok to see the plot and Cancel to return to the input mode. The following shows different ploting modes:

pie chart
line chart
bar chart



You can jump to certain spread sheet cell with this Jump tool.  The input format is the same those mentioned above, X##.


You can read the Help and About information from this menu. This documnt is included in the Help info box.
